We are leadingthe bestthe most recommended company in marine and oil services.

ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System

ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System

OHSAS 18001:2007
Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems

It’s my pleasure being part of the team here in our company.All of us here work together in defining a new way of success in the marine and oil services field.

Founded SG For Marine And Oil Services Co.
We created our first general services tugboat SG 7.
We created our first supplies services tugboat SG 9.
We built our third and fourth general services tugboats SG 1 & SG 3, also we created our new website to be our portal to the digital world.
We are currently building our fifth supplies services tugboat SG 11.
SG For Marine & Oil Services Co. has a wide range of marine and other services to provide.

We decided to found our company SG Marine and Oil Services to meet the shortage in this type of
maritime services whether full implementation or participation with others and that’s due to the enormous Egyptian coasts lying on the Mediterranean and Red Sea.
There are currently several oil and gas search and explorations in process in the economic waters of the Egyptian Mediterranean and Red Sea.
We build on our experience in offshore and coastal waters and continuously look for the best solutions and innovations that fit our clients’ needs. Utilizing our knowledge and expertise, we are eager to explore new markets in the very near future.
Core Values
As a family owned company with long-term focus, we take care of all aspects of our business, our clients, business partners and shareholders, our people, our assets, and the environment we work in.
We act with integrity and do everything in our power to maintain our reputation as a trusted marine support partner. We honor our commitments and consistently deliver quality services with care for the safety and well being of all involved and the environment we work in.
Through long-term relationships with clients and business partners, we cooperate in a transparent way. With a service oriented focus, we take care of our clients’ needs and requirements.
We operate in a safe and responsible manner and take ownership over our actions and behavior, and show our respect for other people.